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2011-09-27 20:47:26
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Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


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All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

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~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
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~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-12-17 [Shatureel]: Amen to that.

2005-12-17 [Homewrecker]: dont care enough..

2005-12-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...

2005-12-22 [GODofMUSIC04]: ok here it is plain and simple.... Bush is a friggin moron who deserves to be impeached because of his compleete ignorance towards human rights... and hillary deserves to become president cause she understands ppl

2005-12-22 [Undertow]: hillary?... video game hating hillary?...pardon my french but FUCK THAT SHIT i'd rather have redneck boy than her anyday simply for that fact, i enjoy my mature rated video games in all of their gory and sexualness, honestly she's for infringment of freedom of speech

2005-12-22 [Blinded Seraphim]: Yawn, im sleepy

2005-12-24 [Ultra Hunger]: Shadow Of The Colossus

2005-12-24 [Homewrecker]: is that a game

2005-12-24 [Undertow]: i believe it is

2005-12-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *rolls eyes* bush haters annoy me and i dont care to argue,everyone has their own opinion and i respect what ever..freedom of speech but just keep in mind that Bush is only doing what he thinks is right and i would rather him send out our troops then be a pussy and let them distroy us..and also for the gay marraige thing i think he was wrong for that and that this country is becoming too CHRISTIAN based..we have in god we trust on every peice of money we spend..come on...besides atleast bush isnt a democrat..

2005-12-25 [Undertow]: you see your sort of right, it wouldn't be a good idea to let them walk all over us and yes it is infantile to set time tables for our time in iraq, but he's going in the complete opposite direction and being near paranoid

2005-12-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: If i may, i dont believe that holds true, president bush is only doing what he believes he should to insure our welfare

2005-12-25 [Undertow]: i'm not saying that i hate him or that i don't think he has the right idea, i just think he's going slightly overboard and it wouldn't hurt him to relax or the trigger a little bit, i mean yes occupation of iraq was a necessary evil and so was the infiltration of afghanistan(sp?), but now he's implying that N. Korea and/or Iran is next, honestly if the american people feel strongly enough i think congress will start talking about a war with one or both of them after the next election atleast, honestly our armed forces are thinned out enough as is and they need to recover from this stretching

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: And i understand where your coming from but from my understanding (However limited it may be) we still have ample armed forces for defence...even if sadly...we ever have to institute the draft

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: if anyone instates the draft i will be on the first flight to another country, b/c i feel that a draft is wrong and military service should not be by fashist force (b/c that's what it is basicly), but by voluntary action

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: Even though it scares me witless to say it, I would gladly serve for my many of my family have served and so would i

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: geez....who would have thought me being stupid and saying it would be funny to shoot bush with a q-tip would turn into something this big

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: lol, i wouldnt know, i wasnt here for that part

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: yeah, that's how all of this got started, i said it would be funny to shoot bush with a q-tip from a rubber band

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: (Secret service) *Jumps out in front of the q-tip* noooooooooooooo! lol

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: lol exactly! something just randomly off the top of my head turned into a political debate

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: lol, sux dont it?

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: yeah, but that's kinda how this wiki works....IE i'm betting if someone were to say..."zim zim zalabim" someone else would get pissy and start a massive debate on weather that's rasist or not

2005-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: ok....

2005-12-26 [Homewrecker]: zim zim zalabim *looks around*

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: it's from the old old johnny quest tv show...hadji says it (yes i watch old ass cartoons from the 60's, 70's, and 80's)

2005-12-26 [Homewrecker]: i was wondering where i had heard that i used to watch that all the time

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: that's cool

2005-12-26 [Homewrecker]: i know now i watch that 70's show

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: i think everyone's watched that show atleast once

2005-12-26 [Homewrecker]: yep

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: it is quite funny

2005-12-26 [Homewrecker]: i agree............i fuckin hate cd cases

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: they can be a challenge to open at times

2005-12-26 [Homewrecker]: yes they are mean to me :'(

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: ...okay

2005-12-26 [Serena]: i have never seen that 70's show

2005-12-26 [Undertow]: !!!!!?????!!!!!! you should watch it some time...some of the older episodes, the newer ones aren't very good

2005-12-28 [bluefaerie]: i love that show!!! especially Donna & Hyde...

2005-12-28 [Homewrecker]: i dont remember if they get together or do donna and eric stay together

2005-12-29 [Undertow]: he's in africa right now or supposedly (i think topher grace quit or soemthing)

2005-12-30 [bluefaerie]: donna & eric stay together for the most part..

2006-01-02 [Undertow]: well i hope everyone had a haappy new year i spent all lastnight and all of today in waco..well china springs partying my fucking ass my neck hurts

2006-01-02 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow lots of talk..

2006-01-03 [Shatureel]: Hey u/all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.

2006-01-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: same to you..

2006-01-04 [Undertow]: indeed, happy it should be for everyone

2006-01-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: LOL..well i hope this year is better for me than 2005 was...

2006-01-04 [Homewrecker]: it better be or im gonna be pissed

2006-01-04 [Undertow]: 05 was kinda sucky for everyone i think

2006-01-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i wasnt the only one who had a horrible year? good to a bad sorta pathetic

2006-01-04 [Undertow]: mine wasn't horrible it just wasn't a very productive or exciting year

2006-01-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well mine was horrible..almost everything imaginable that could go wrong..went wrong..

2006-01-04 [Homewrecker]: im with jerad mine was just boring

2006-01-04 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..

2006-01-05 [Homewrecker]: I hate Gwen Stefani

2006-01-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: dido..

2006-01-05 [Homewrecker]: just felt like lettin yall know that

2006-01-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..its ok..

2006-01-05 [Undertow]: lol dido's an artist too and yes they both suck...but i think you meant ditto right?

2006-01-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah..i forgott how to spell it gimme a break i go back to school

2006-01-05 [Undertow]: it's okay

2006-01-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..when do you go back?

2006-01-05 [Undertow]: next week..tuesday i beleive

2006-01-05 [Homewrecker]: i go back monday

2006-01-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lucky got out the 16th of Dec. and go back tomorow :((

2006-01-05 [Undertow]: hmm going back in the middle of the week..hmm not too much fun to me, but then again we get out not the next monday but i think the one after that

2006-01-05 [Homewrecker]: i dont know when i got out

2006-01-05 [Undertow]: i was supposed to get out on a tuesday but i only had one final that day and i was exempt from it and it was only one class that day so my teacher told me not to bother i went to waco and hung out with my old auto tech class from there...ended up putting a new exhaust on a 93 mustang gt convertable while i was in there

2006-01-06 [Shadowsoul]: *blinks*

2006-01-06 [Shatureel]: Good morning all.

2006-01-06 [Undertow]: morning to you too

2006-01-07 [Shatureel]: How you doing.

2006-01-07 [Undertow]: pretty good

2006-01-08 [Homewrecker]: i went to bed at 9am

2006-01-08 [Undertow]: ........well that was real good

2006-01-08 [Homewrecker]: i have problems...

2006-01-08 [Undertow]: hmmmm....problems...we all have those just everyone has there own ways of venting them...i like to sit with very loud music on..or drive...ususally it's both

2006-01-08 [death how i long to embrace you]: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

2006-01-08 [Homewrecker]: i...uh...dont vent

2006-01-08 [Undertow]: i do, it makes me the, strange little person that i it gets me known by the local cops for speeding but i've only been caught going over limit once...and umm...that was like an 84 in a 70 so i was just shy of a $450 ticket and an impounded car (one more MPH faster and both would have happened)

2006-01-08 [Homewrecker]: i prefer like selfmutilation or somethin

2006-01-08 [Shatureel]: I prefer listening to music and drawing really weird stuff.

2006-01-08 [Undertow]: drawing...hmm very artistic...i'm semi-artistic but i'm not any good when i'm pissed so i just drive and try to enjoy other people's artistic natures..generally it's the deftones or something similar to them

2006-01-08 [Shatureel]: well if you look at my house, I don't know if you would call that artistic.

2006-01-08 [Homewrecker]: its very artistic

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: art is are everyone has a different opinion on art i don't think it's bad at all, some people like to hear art where as others like to see or feel it

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: I like either side, the musical or the tactile

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: same here, but like i said we all like different two people are exactly alike in every single way

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: Myself...i particularly like woodwork

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: that's cool

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: Its a hobby...makes a nice bit of extra money but i couldnt care less for the money

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: yeah most real artists could give a shit less about the money they just want to do what they like, too bad alot of musicians let the money talk instead of themselves

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: When i first started with my woodturning, i charged 5$ a pen...ive seen wood shows charging 40 bucks easy

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: hmmm that's quite abit

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: well they do good work, and for some of the wood we useits really not that high a price, the good stuff aint cheapp ya know! lol

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: yeah my stepdad did some building two summers ago and i saw first hand how expensive some woods are

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: well good example, i experimented with african black ebony wood, for enough to make two pens is almost 9.00

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: yeah i think i'll just stick to having to buy guitar picks for $7 or $8 a pack every two months or so

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: lol

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: and a 25 or $30 set of guitar strings every 4 or 5 months...thankfully bass strings don't break easily..those are like 40 to 50 depending on how good of a set you want

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: I could see that, i have a couple of friends who play guitar

2006-01-09 [Undertow]: that's cool

2006-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: yup...

2006-01-10 [Undertow]: DUN DUN DUN!!!!!! AKWARD SILENCE!!!!! wanna know something odd...(if not...too bad) friend just meesaged me with an odd ass little poll and it's for "the song of your life" i got "Drive" by Incubus..dunno if it fits exactly but it's random enough for this wiki

2006-01-10 [Shatureel]: Hey all, whats up?

2006-01-10 [Undertow]: not much

2006-01-11 [Shatureel]: Yea seems no ones here when I come on lately.

2006-01-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey everyone i am backededid

2006-01-11 [Undertow]: umm okay then lol, and yeah no ones really on when i get on either

2006-01-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..

2006-01-12 [Shadowsoul]: tired......argh *is leaning against a wall*

2006-01-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..hello..

2006-01-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *is leaning against a ten foot dildo*

2006-01-21 [Undertow]: .........right *looks away and shivers*

2006-01-21 [bluefaerie]: !>_<!

2006-01-22 [GODofMUSIC04]: ok.... um.. ive been away for a while... uh wats up withthe dildos now?

2006-01-23 [Undertow]: i really don't know... i think it was just some random person

2006-01-24 [Shadowsoul]: ewwww delete it!

2006-01-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: it for some lose giant or something?

2006-01-25 [Undertow]: idk..i'm hoping it's not ment for himself...b/c if so...this guy needs some SERIOUS help

2006-01-25 [Shadowsoul]: yeah

2006-01-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: heh..anyone got a straight jacket?

2006-01-25 [Undertow]: umm infact...i know someone that bought one from hot topic here a few years back..idk if he still has it but we entertained ourselves with it

2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: -_-zzzzz

2006-01-26 [Homewrecker]: when i get bored i count the buckles on my straight

2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: ive seen that shirt

2006-01-30 [GODofMUSIC04]: ohboy...

2006-01-30 [Undertow]: ummm, alright

2006-01-30 [Shadowsoul]: *is asleep*

2006-02-01 [In_memory_of]: hi peoples

2006-02-01 [Shadowsoul]: bored....

2006-02-01 [Undertow]: god i wish i had time to be bored i've got a shitload of college..even though i'm going into the airforce first

2006-02-01 [Shadowsoul]: i have a shitload of work too.. 7 OP subjects! 3 of them sciences!

2006-02-01 [Undertow]: i hate science

2006-02-01 [Shadowsoul]: i also have religion and Maths B

2006-02-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yall have a religion class? do you go to like a chirstian or catholic school or something?

2006-02-09 [Firenze]: In England and Australia I think RE (Religion) is a complusory part of education, I know it is here in England

2006-02-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..we arent even supposed to have bibles in our any religious related clothing or ect. lol..but they are more focused on the whole fact that 49.9% iof my school is failing atleast one class if not more..

2006-02-09 [Firenze]: lol, well nearly all of my college is either Christian or Muslim...

2006-02-09 [Shadowsoul]: o.O

2006-02-10 [Undertow]: we have such a thing as separation of church and state in the US..and i'm glad for it b/c i have VERY critical views on religions

2006-02-11 [GODofMUSIC04]: *backs off this conversation

2006-02-12 [Undertow]: all i'm going to say is it isn't a coversation to really start up with me

2006-02-13 [Shadowsoul]: it's just a topic in conversation a point in topic

2006-02-13 [Undertow]: yeah...just not one i want to get involved with b/c when talking about things like this someone generally gets offended/offensive

2006-02-13 [Shadowsoul]: true

2006-02-13 [Undertow]: it's the reason why a third of ireland is a seperate country

2006-02-13 [Shadowsoul]: really?

2006-02-13 [Undertow]: ....yeah

2006-02-13 [Shadowsoul]: yeah

2006-02-15 [Ultra Hunger]: dat dat dat

2006-02-15 [Shatureel]: Hello

2006-02-15 [bluefaerie]: hi...

2006-02-15 [Shadowsoul]: o.O we may have movement in here!

2006-02-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..well i dont want to get into the religious debate either...i usually offend someone..

2006-02-15 [Shadowsoul]: neither do i

2006-02-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..

2006-02-16 [Undertow]: indeed, and wow [Ultra Hunger] decided to drop us a message

2006-02-16 [Shadowsoul]: yeah! that's a rarity

2006-02-16 [Undertow]: yep

2006-02-16 [Shadowsoul]: yep *nods*

2006-02-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..

2006-02-19 [Shatureel]: I don't talk religion, its a very touchy subject for most.

2006-02-19 [Undertow]: huh?...oh yeah..old topic

2006-02-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..mmmhhmm im bored..

2006-02-19 [Undertow]: ditto

2006-02-20 [bluefaerie]: same here..

2006-02-20 [Shadowsoul]: *stares at the silence*

2006-02-24 [Undertow]: here's something cool, contrary to popular belief, the flu REALLY SUCKS!, i should know i've had it for the past week

2006-02-26 [bluefaerie]: really...I had it 2 weeks ago..couldn't eat anything for the 1st 3/4 days...

2006-02-26 [Undertow]: yeah, i could eat knwo thats wierd it varys from state to state what ppl precieve as the flu...some states seem to think its a stomach bug and others say it's a respatory bug...but there are multiple strains of the flu, so meh, w/e

2006-02-27 [bluefaerie]: yeah, some people think that they have the flu, but they only have a really bad/big cold...

2006-02-27 [Shadowsoul]: i got a cold and i'm going on biology camp in 24hours exactly

2006-02-27 [bluefaerie]: o.O

2006-02-27 [Shadowsoul]: cold wet biology camp... camping out on the beach....

2006-03-07 [Homewrecker]: and u have a cold...tsk tsk

2006-03-07 [Undertow]: huh?

2006-03-16 [Firenze]: *deletes cat pic* This is getting rediculous now

2006-03-16 [individual thought]: :p

2006-03-16 [Firenze]: I do not find this funny

2006-03-16 [Shadowsoul]: -.-''

2006-03-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: life sucks..

2006-03-17 [Undertow]: yeah........well get over it

2006-03-17 [Firenze]: Indeed...he is on banning verge now anyway ^_^

2006-03-17 [Undertow]: who's on banning verge?

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: [individual thought]

2006-03-18 [Undertow]: ahhh alrighty

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: I would let you know if you were on the verge of a would end up with a couple warnings lol

2006-03-18 [Undertow]: lol, yeah i kinda was hoping it was that way b/c that would suck to just get banned and for not even being as ass in a long time

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: Sometimes people are banned straight away for being fucktards but usually there are a couple warnings

2006-03-18 [Undertow]: lol, it's a good thing you weren't here last summer then, b/c i'd get downright "fucktardy" towards ppl but it was usually on subjects i felt pretty storng against...or like the genious up there...i just felt like messing with someone

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: I was here last were just lucky I weren't a guard then :P

2006-03-18 [Undertow]: lol, nah you missed alot of the really good stuff, but we all did things to piss other members off though, but we all enjoyed making asses out of ourselves

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: I saw and heard all about it...well I make an ass out of myself anyway so that wouldn't be a problem for me :P

2006-03-18 [Undertow]: should read some of the shit we all was all psycho babble bullshit

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: Yup, has read nearly all of the comments right from the very first comment and most of it was particulary random

2006-03-18 [Undertow]: lol, yeah [Ultra Hunger] and i kept it pretty crazy there for a while and then it just turned into arguments for little bitty random reasons

2006-03-19 [Shatureel]: Hi you all, hows it going?

2006-03-19 [Undertow]: nm talkign about the crazyness of this wiki last summer

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